
Tour Type: City Tour Tour Operator: Insta Tours Tour Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

What can I expect

  • Take a walking tour of Dublin with a modern twist.
  • Visit some of the most Instagramable spots of the city.
  • Learn photogrpahy skills and techniques.
  • Discover the capital's rich culture and history.



确保您的相机充满电,以便捕捉城市的热门景点和隐藏宝藏。值得庆幸的是,都柏林一年四季都令人叹为观止,因此都柏林观光之旅是您游览期间的一项绝佳活动。在 90 分钟的游览中,将有 5-7 个站点,让每个人都能以稳定的速度获得均衡的镜头组合。

这项活动适合所有类型的个人和团体,从独自旅行到单身派对。这是一种有趣的方式,可以在令人兴奋和富有创意的氛围中欣赏都柏林的精华,这使得这次徒步之旅如此特别和难忘。结识新朋友,同时用一些无价的景色和角度让您的 Instagram 动态焕然一新。

59 O'Connell Street Upper, North City, Dublin 1, D01 RX04 Call: +353 1 703 3024 Email: info@dodublin.ie

We've been entertaining visitors to our town since 1988. We're part of the fabric of Dublin City and we take great pride in delivering a real and authentic tour experience to all of our visitors, one steeped in history but one that also celebrates the city as she evolves.